Hello family & friends,

30 years...can you believe it? That's right folks, the big three-zero is this summer. A milestone in camping history. If you miss this, you may as well sell your sleeping bag on Ebay and move to Iraq. So many great stories, so many memories, so many arrests. This year we'll be staying at CALAVERAS BIG TREES again. We have the larger of the two group sites, like last year. This is a fully developed group site with showers onsite and electricity (in the bathrooms). It is reserved under my name. We have this site for 3 nights, starting Thursday August 11th. Avoid the rush of setting up your equipment by coming a day early!! Based on previous successes, we will again be adding some 'structure' to have some cohesive experiences together. To that end, we're having a short group activity late Saturday morning that will be a surprise for now, but guaranteed to be lots of fun!


Jeff Myers

Eccentric Billionaire



Top Signs Your Camping Trip is Already Off to a Bad Start
* You've ingested more sunblock than you've applied
* Your ticks have ticks
* Eyebrows still haven't grown back from the last barbecue incident
* You've managed to swallow a Trac-Ball
* In the past 24 hours, you've lost a gallon of blood to mosquitos
* When they got a look at you, nude beach decided to become a regular beach
* Your entire body is covered with painful grill marks



The Most Interesting Boy in the World:



Year unknown (click to see full size view)





Tips For Setting Up A Campsite
* Ensure your group's safety by making sure any nearby bears sign a non-aggression pact.
* Ground your tent with taut lines of rope so as to form tripwires for hungry campers in the area.
* Find a good spot to hang a string of lights and plenty of occult symbols to ward off mosquitoes.
* To avoid flooding, build your campsite on high ground, such as one of Manhattan's many luxury penthouse suites.
* To avoid real work, seek out dry twigs to use as kindling, a search that can easily last as long as it takes for Nick to set up the tent.





Remember this?

Click on image link below for the 2016 edition of Camp Chaos News