Welcome back for the final details for this summer's annual camping trip. Remember that the temperatures will be lower than usual for camping (a good thing!). There are hot showers, and the site can hold up to 50 people. Just in case, the reservation ID# is 1.2501774CA.

Date: Easy to remember. Click here to find out.

Location: See photo below for aerial view (the only campsite that can be seen from orbit!).

D.L. Bliss State Park is located 17 miles south of Tahoe City on Highway 89, a couple of miles north of Emerald Bay. An extremely detailed map of the actual campgrounds (including the location of our group site) can be found by clicking on the fake picture below.






In last year's camping movie, you saw inside Brian's tent; now for an even deeper look, click here






Camp Chaos doesn't do anything the normal way. Here are some of the local critters that have been spotted recently (warning, page may take awhile to load). Click here