Welcome back to another edition of the Camp Chaos informational announcement. For the first time ever, the goal is to provide some actual information. But not before forcing our poor readers to wade through a year's worth of accumulated camping-related humor. OK, we'll divulge some information first. For starters, the camping trip will be held in the second weekend in August. Now I know this comes as a surprise to many who forget that we've only had it on this date FOR THE LAST 16 YEARS!! The actual dates are August 9th-11th.

Location, location, location...

Here's a hint, using a photo from a recent trip:

Those who guessed Bothe-Napa Valley State Park are correct. 4 out of 5 kids surveyed said the best part of the trip was the pool (that fifth kid isn't invited back this year). Also, 4 of 5 adults surveyed last year said the best part of the trip were the private bathrooms and showers (that fifth adult isn't invited back this year either). My excuse is I didn't want to draw up yet another exhaustive plan to avoid getting Tom Burke lost.

As always, additional details will follow next month.


Founder of the Girl Scouts of America




Top 10 Signs Trackball Baseball Isn't As Fun As It Used To Be

1. Team name contains words "Super" and "Dude"
2. Reach a base, do a shot
3. Trackballs no longer have delicious chocolate centers
4. Ball landing in poison oak will remain until next year's camping trip
5. Only time players demonstrate hustle is when they're being chased by Rangers
6. Mark's idea of a double play -- tequila with a beer chaser
7. Spirited debates about how many strikes to an out
8. Good-bye boring baseball caps, hello festive sombreros
9. Most promising rookie? a raccoon from the next campground
10. Nobody can keep his mind on the game with that sexy Rob Kaplan running around




Click here to view the official Camp Chaos movie (you'll need Apple's Quicktime Player). 714k



A look at the numbers that shape your world.


