Newsweek Magazine

"The Citizen Kane of 'Death Camp' movies"

New York Times

"In a summer full of blockbuster promises, this one delivers--check your pulse at the door"

People Magazine

"Don't eat before you see this show and you'll have nothing got lose!!"

Good Morning America

"Take your chiropractor if you can because you're going to hurt yourself laughing"

Time Magazine

"Don't go there if you're recovering from abdominal surgery or have taken a vow of silence"

Roger Ebert

"I laughed so had I almost gave birth to something"

And what would a camping announcement be without a top 10 list?


Top Ten Signs the Death Camp 2000 Movie Sucks

1. Supervillain played by Rob Kaplan

2. Hero keeps stopping at fountains to refill his squirt gun

3. Ads describe it as "Die Hard on a hammock"

4. Terrorists' only demand is for Chris to stop yelling

5. Official movie web site is www.don'

6. Movie's big catch phrase: "Ouch! Arrows is pointy!"

7. Entire 20-minute chase scene takes place running circles around Judy's tent

8. Villain threatens hero with the broken edge of an iced-oatmeal cookie

9. The new Batman: Brian McLean

10. Movie's only "action" involves Paul and a flight attendant